Throughout our events work with various clients one problem has been expressed time and again: that businesses lack a means to quantify the value of their events. For companies participating in dozens, if not hundreds of events around the world every year, they want a way to evaluate which events are worth more than others in order to prioritize spend.
Willis Collaborative saw the opportunity to help address this issue and created Event IQ. Event IQ is a simple, intuitive add-on to Salesforce that lets you link event attendee lists to your customer data. With just a few clicks you can:
For the events team, Event IQ helps you prioritize and adjust event spend based on which events your customers are attending, helps you segment your customers at events so you know where the most valuable customers are, helps you tie events to revenue and influence sales, and further moves the events role into the realm of sales enablement.
Event IQ is a simple, intuitive add-on to Salesforce that lets you link event attendee lists to your customer data.